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Why Streusel?

Updated: Jun 24, 2021

The inspiration behind the name.


Streusel is a classic crumble topping that was once found only in Germany. Now, Streusel toppings are found all over the U.S.- though they might be referred to as crumble topping.

The etymology of the word Streusel comes from the German verb streuen (pronounced STROY-yen), which means to scatter or spread. Streusel is made by plucking off pieces of dough and then strewing the pieces over the top of the dessert. The word crumble is the English equivalent of the word Streusel.

The most iconic German cake with Streusel is the Streuselkuchen (pronounced STROY-sell Kooh-ck-enn). This cake originated in Silesia, a region in present-day Germany and Poland. It is a traditional German yeasted coffee cake with a liberal spread of Streusel on top. In some cases, the layer of Streusel can be as thick as the cake itself. In the U.S., this cake is known as a crumb cake.


Though German immigrants have shaped American baking, they are losing their customers and businesses. With an increasingly negative perception of German cooking (too heavy, too plain, not modern enough), people turn to different cuisines. The goal at Streusel Bakeshop is to reshape this negative perception and prove that German baking deserves to not be forgotten. There are countless classic German desserts that range from homey and comforting to modern and elegant. At Streusel, there are an assortment of American and German treats from homey to special-occasion worthy.


Owner of Streusel Bakeshop


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